
  • Chair, 生物学 Department; Associate 教授essor of 生物学

    安吉拉·达索教授获得了B.S. degrees in wildlife ecology and entomology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2003. After spending several years as the head preparator and assistant curator of herpetology at a natural history museum, 她加入了教授. 迈克尔·科恩的实验室,并获得了硕士学位.S. 2010年获动物学博士学位.D. 2014年在动物学. 她于2015年加入bv伟德ios下载学院.

    教授. 达索的研究重点是动物发声的计算分析, 探索与人类语音相关的语言现象, 形态, 以及句法层面. This work has centered on understanding the vocal communication systems of wild and captive white-handed gibbons (Hylobates守护神); however, 她也研究了其他物种, 分布在包括鲸类在内的各种分类群中, 蝙蝠, 犬科动物, 和鸣禽. 通过结合生态学的各个方面, 语言学, 计算机科学, 信息理论, we are able to gain new insights into the communicative abilities of white-handed gibbons and demonstrate previously unrecognized complexity and structure in their vocal communication system.


    白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神) produce a female-specific great call and male-specific coda sequence to announce their territory at the Racine Zoological Society. 听录音片段 



    教授essor Dassow is one of six recipients to receive Animal Welfare Institute funding for original research on human-wildlife conflicts. (动物福利协会,2019年11月12日)


    教授. 达索研究了拉辛动物园两只白掌长臂猿的叫声. (WUWM 89.7、2019年8月8日)


    教授. 达索和两个学生, Joy Layton和Azniv Khaligin, 在拉辛动物园研究两只长臂猿的复杂语言. (基诺沙新闻,2019年7月2日)

    Carthage 研究ers Study Gibbons to Understand How Vocal Evolution Led to Human Speech
教授. Dassow along with students Azniv Khaligian and Joy Layton study the vocalizations of gibbons at the Racine Zoo. (《bv伟德ios下载》2019年7月1日)


    教授. 安吉拉·达索在J-Term 2019期间讨论了她在波多黎各的经历. (密尔沃基市区,2019年4月3日)


    教授. Dassow writes a compelling opinion editorial about Women in STEM and their powerful contributions to modern science. (基诺沙新闻,2019年3月25日)


    教授. 达索参加了基诺沙公共博物馆庆祝女性投身科学的活动. (基诺沙新闻,2019年3月23日)

    教授. 安吉拉·达索说,吃昆虫对健康有益,对环境也有好处. (基诺沙新闻,2018年12月2日)

    • Ph.D. -动物学,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校
    • M.S. -动物学,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校
    • B.S. -野生动物生态学和昆虫学,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校
    • 生物1010生物学概念
    • 生物1110分子,细胞和生物体

    • 生物,种群和系统

    • BIO 2200生态学概论

    • BIO 3100一般生态学
    • BIO 3210动物行为 
    • 生物3320昆虫学

    • 生物400A脊椎动物生态学
BIO 4120高级研讨会

    • BIO 4900生物学研究

    “One of the goals of my research is to explore the vocal and gestural communication systems of vertebrates by characterizing commonalities derived through evolution, 比较进化分支的发育差异, 搜索调用序列来寻找语言结构的潜力. 

    My other main research goal is to develop and use Passive Acoustic Monitoring to aid in conservation efforts of rare and endangered species. 大部分工作是与越南动植物部合作完成的, 在那里我们研究了极度濒危的高维长臂猿(Nomascus nasutus).

    在我研究生物声学和动物行为学之前, 我研究了白尾鹿的种群动态, 灰色的狼, 布兰丁的海龟, 画乌龟, 鳄龟, 号声天鹅, 各种水禽, 猛禽和鸣禽, 豪猪, 和威斯康星州中部的蜻蜓. I have also examined the impact of temperature variation on the sex ratios of hatchling fresh-water river turtles in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil.”


    “我研究的物种之一是白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神). 本种原产于东南亚, it lives in female-led territorial groups and it primarily communicates by using a diverse set of vocalizations. 到目前为止, 我已经能够识别和描述这个物种的声音, 它由27个统计上不同的声学单元组成. I have also been able to identify motivational and referential sequences of their predator warning calls. Current research efforts are focused on understanding great call and coda development between wild and captive populations.

    The other species I work with is the critically endangered Cao-vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus). 这个物种被认为已经灭绝了,但它在越南北部被重新发现. 我们目前的工作集中在声乐曲目的特征, mapping out territory boundaries and developing automated detection algorithms of their vocalizations as a means to passively track their movements in the wild.” 


    “与森林狼信息网络合作, 我们正在探索追踪灰狼的可能性(犬属红斑狼疮), by recording their howls and then analyzing these calls to search for acoustic markers that can identify individuals.  到目前为止, we have been able to cluster sets of howls accurately and our future challenges will include adding more individuals to our data set, 跟踪声音随时间的变化, 并正确分类未标记的嚎叫.”


    密西西比大学人类学教授. Carolyn Freiwald and I are collaborating on a project to conduct the first formal study of lowland gorilla behavior at the Memphis Zoo. The goal of this research is to determine what the activity budgets are for each gorilla. 要做到这一点, 我们正在建立一个各种觅食的族谱, 运动, 以及目前住在那里的四只大猩猩之间的竞争行为.”


    “淡水龟的发声是一个新兴的研究领域.  已有几种海龟被记录在案, 在一个物种的情况下,描述了声音的功能, 母性护理与幼崽的声音互动有关. Current challenges include tracking hatchling turtles once they leave their nesting beach. 它们的小尺寸使无线电发射机望而却步, but a turtle-tracking robot could follow a turtle and record the vocal interactivity between hatchlings. The main goal of this research is to build and deploy an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) to track a hatchling turtle and record its’ vocal interactivity.”


    “I advise students on undergraduate research related to each of my on-going projects. 我很高兴与未来的学生谈论他们的想法和兴趣.”



    • 梅内德斯,.格罗泽克,A; & Dassow,. Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cao-Vit Gibbons (Nomascus nasutus) Utilizing Multilaterations of Vocalizations. NCUR海报


    • Khaligian,.雷顿,J.,阿特,J. & Dassow,. 白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神)通讯中起始时间的功能. NCUR海报


    • Khaligian,. & Dassow,. 白掌长臂猿的游戏行为模式. 伟德手机APP庆典
    • 彻底的,J. & Dassow,. Role of White-handed Gibbon (Hylobates守护神) Hoo Note Vocalizations In Response To Different Predator Types. 伟德手机APP庆典
    • Roschii R. & Dassow,. Examining Onset Timing and Duration of Duet Production in Wild White-handed Gibbon (Hylobates守护神) Vocalizations. 伟德手机APP庆典
    • 麦金农,K. & Dassow,. 圈养白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神)行为个体发生的研究. 伟德手机APP庆典
    • C). & Dassow,. 改进Hylobates大声乐曲目的声学单位分类. 伟德手机APP庆典
    • 莱顿J. & Dassow,. Characterizing the Play Vocalization of Captive White-handed Gibbons (Hylobates守护神). 伟德手机APP庆典


    • 哈利吉安,阿兹尼夫和雷顿,乔伊. 圈养白掌长臂猿的游戏行为(Hylobates守护神). Midstates海报
    • 船体,卡拉. Analysis of Great Call Vocalizations in Captive and Wild 成人 White-handed Gibbons (Hylobates守护神). 伟德手机APP庆典海报
    • 迪罗奇,奥利维亚,扬特,瑞恩. Analysis of Male White-handed Gibbon (Hylobates守护神) Songs in Response to Predator Models. 伟德手机APP庆典海报
    • )凯特琳. Redefining acoustic units found within the vocal repertoire of white-handed gibbons (Hylobates守护神). 伟德手机APP庆典海报
    • Roschi,瑞秋. Examining Onset Timing of Great Call Production in White-handed Gibbon (Hylobates守护神) Vocalizations. 伟德手机APP庆典海报
    • 范达姆,凯瑟琳,麦金农,凯瑟琳. Activity Budgets of White-Handed Gibbons (Hylobates守护神) at the Racine Zoological Society. 伟德手机APP庆典海报
    • 哈利吉安,阿兹尼夫和雷顿,乔伊. 播放白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神)的发音. 确定海报


    • 赫尔,卡拉,麦库姆,凯特琳. 用于确定野生灰狼(犬属红斑狼疮)个性的声音特征. 伟德手机APP庆典海报
    • 史蒂芬,亚历山德拉. A study of foraging behavior in Western Lesser Bamboo Lemur (Hapalemur occidentalis). 伟德手机APP庆典海报
    • DeRoach, Olivia, 史蒂芬,亚历山德拉和Yont, Ryan. An Examination of great call production between wild and captive 白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神). 伟德手机APP庆典海报
    • 麦金农,凯瑟琳,范达姆,凯瑟琳. 孟菲斯动物园低地大猩猩(大猩猩)的活动预算. 伟德手机APP庆典海报
    • 赫尔,卡拉,麦库姆,凯特琳. Acoustic Signatures as 援助s in Monitoring Longevity in Wild Roaming Gray Wolves (犬属红斑狼疮). NCUR海报


    • 赫尔,卡拉,麦库姆,凯特琳. Acoustic Signatures as 援助s in Monitoring Longevity in Wild Roaming Gray Wolves (犬属红斑狼疮). Midstates海报
    • 赫尔,卡拉,麦库姆,凯特琳. Acoustic Signatures as 援助s in Identifying and Monitoring Longevity in Wild Roaming Gray Wolves (犬属红斑狼疮). 确定海报
    • 史蒂芬,亚历山德拉. Examining atypical vocal production of great calls and codas in white-handed gibbons (Hylobates守护神). 伟德手机APP庆典海报